
Soft side of photography...

I normally don't photograph babies. I like babies just fine but the whole business side of dealing with moms and the mercurial rhythms of babies crying and fedding schedules seems too uncontrollable to me. But I'm an avid amateur photographer of cute babies who are attached to my friends.

Renae and her second daughter came to visit on Sunday this week and I thought they were both adorable. I'd worked with Renae back in the 1990's and we've tried our best to keep in touch. She was a brilliant business partner and a fun person to be around. She hasn't changed, she just has a new, super (baby) model in tow.

We were all sitting around the dining room, catching up, when Maisy stood up on her mom's lap and smiled and stared at me. I flailed around for a convenient camera and found a Sony a850 with a 50mm lens on the table, right next to the plate of deviled eggs and the bowl of hummus. I picked up the camera and started shooting.  I'm looking at the image now, as I type, and I understand the power in a photograph. The potential to catch so much happiness and store it for the future.

Good thing I always keep a few extra cameras on the dining room table...

Studio Portrait Lighting


Anonymous said...

How beautiful.

Unknown said...

And what a nice camera to have lying around!

Unknown said...

A nice moment captured forever. I am sure Renae and Maisy will be glad you did. And, that you didn't grab the hummous instead!

This photo brings to mind your previous post about rejecting formulaic lighting and instead concentrating on an emotional connection. A reminder of how fleeting the visual imagery in front of is. It would have been difficult to catch this moment in a 4 light setup.

Cpt Kent said...

I was expecting you to pick up the Samsung, and make a passing comment about a stinky-diaper hold...

Anonymous said...

This photo likes a vision of dream in the present. it makes the motivation for all how to take a snap.

Dave Jenkins said...

A real cutie. I'll bet she's going to look just like her mother.

Paul Crouse said...

Wow, she is really beautiful!

Racecar said...

Very nice! By definition this is a "grab shot", but the difference is a true pro is operating the instrument, and the subjects are impeccable. This transforms this grab shot into work of art - thanks for sharing.